I made a batch of pumpkin pancakes for lunch today. I posted the photo on twitter and have had quite the response asking to share the recipe, so thank you all for getting me to update this blog! I seriously needed that kick in the pants.

The pancakes were our post-run snack which turned into brunch/lunch with a nice cup of coffee and some lounging in front of the tv (gymnastics was on - my fav!). These were incredibly easy to make for two reasons: 1) I "cheated" by using a pancake mix and 2) I had some leftover pureed roasted pumpkin from a very delicious recipe of Noa's that I made/devoured last week. I think simple is good though so if you don't feel guilty by cheating with the mix and/or have leftover pumpkin (or a good canned one), then definitely take the easy route here. I found the pancakes to be quite savory on their own so the toppings are key.
I didn't measure out all the ingredients so the recipe below isn't exact. Just add extra water or pancake mix at the end until you reach a nice pancakey-battery consistency. You really can't mess it up!
Pumpkin Coconut Pancakes
~1 1/4 cup Pamela's Pancake Mix (a great gluten-free mix, should available at most health food shops)
2 eggs
~1 cup pureed roasted pumpkin (I roasted my own, but canned should work fine)
1 tbsp pumpkin pie spice
1 tbsp coconut oil (melted)
1/2 cup unsweeted shredded coconut
1/2 cup water
Mix it all together until the batter is smooth, adding more water or mix to reach the right consistency. Melt coconut oil in a frying pan and cook until golden brown.
Topping ideas: we had ours with goats milk butter, maple syrup and shredded coconut. I'm going to toot my own horn here by saying these were AMAZING. I had another one after my bike ride, this time topped with plain yogurt and maple syrup. If anyone tries any other delicious toppings or tweaks the recipe to make them even better, please share!