Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Light

Adam and I always joke about the "light at the end of the tunnel." The jokes began a couple years back when I had my wisdom teeth out and had pretty much every possible complication (seriously, it was bad). On the tenth consecutive day of returning to my surgeon for post-op treatment, he said, "well, I can see a light at the end of the tunnel.....but I can't guarantee it's not a MAC truck." We often use this expression to laugh about training, life, etc. 

I busted out that line after today's bike hill reps and Adam did his typical "of course you're tired" laugh, and then kindly reminded me that I am in the "tunnel" for another couple of days (recovery starts Friday). As I felt sorry for myself, feeling all tired and crusty this afternoon, I was searching for that glimmer of light in the distance and hoping, desperately, that it is not a massive truck. After a solid mid-afternoon nap, I headed out for my run, doing my "feel-good" loop in my "feel-good" track pants (hey, whatever works, right?!) and I felt surprisingly OK. So, I will avoid hitching a ride towards the light and muster up the strength to make my own way out of this tunnel.

Normally I don't look forward to any day in particular as weekend's are not much different than weekdays, but....

YAY, for Fridays.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh gosh,

I sure hope you find that light. I can't imagine what u would do without it. You are so tuff.

Let me know if the MAC truck had poodle stickers on it.
