Friday, March 13, 2009

A Very Sweet Friday Night

What is that pictured above? Oh, it's just my NEW BIKE!!!

(can you tell I'm excited?!!)

What a wonderful Friday night. It was not only "Women's Night" at Trek Bikes Victoria but it was also happened to be the arrival of my new bike, a women's specific Trek Madone. She was put on display tonight so I could only admire from afar.... but that didn't exactly happen... I was all over this bike tonight! Mine in the white/red beauty and YES, I realize that the one beside has flowers HAND painted on it (don't rub it in....), but mine looks sleek and fast and is very Canadian - I love it! 

What a great turnout tonight. I met so many wonderful women and caught up with some friends I hadn't seen in years. There was wine, cheese, a chocolate fondue fountain, a wicked DJ (aka Sean Cunningham), and some pretty sweet deals on product. Thanks to Bill, Troy and everyone else at Pro City for supporting the ladies!

I'm up early tomorrow for my final ride on Big Blue. Afterwards it will be straight to the shop to get my Shimano and Pro components on the new ride, followed by a retul bike fit.