Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Oh Taper, Where Art Thou?

My legs were asking me this question earlier today. I was excited to tell them that in just a few days the bike will be put away in the box, the running shoes safely packed in a suitcase, and we will be on board a plane for Japan! They will be treated to compression tights/socks, stale air, endless movies and hopefully a little elevation in the Air Canada "pod" (fingers crossed on that one...). 

A lot of athletes get the "taper blues" and I cannot understand this concept so I will not even begin to describe it. I'll refer to my feeling as the "taper high," when my legs recover and feel GOOD. I love training hard (which is a good thing or else I would really be in the wrong sport), but I LOVE taper week more than anything. Yes, I can feel crappy at times and wonder when in the world the body will come around, but I love relaxing, doing the sharpening sessions and at the end of the week, RACING!

I am actually not hurting quite as bad as the title suggests but I had a peek at the calendar today and realized that my favourite week of all-time is on the horizon.... and this got me excited. Training this week has been a really great, full of intensity, a few great days, one not-so-great session, and as always, plenty of laughs :) I feel as though things are coming together just in time for these first couple of races so I cannot wait to get out there again!

The weather in Vic has been lovely, perfect for training. I forgot how much I love Springtime here (well, the years with the "nice" springs :) Because I'm a fan of all things beautiful and fragrant, here's a photo of one of the blossom trees on my street:

I realize my blogging has been somewhat sporadic lately, which seems to happen when the training ramps up and the energy levels go down. But, don't worry, with the Asian adventures starting up on Tuesday, and the taper in full-force, there will be plenty of time, energy and good times to share!

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