Thursday, October 30, 2008

Halloween Dry Run

Wendy has never had trick-o-treaters at the "Hotel." I put some thought into why this could be and came up with two possible explanations:

1) Not many children live in James Bay

2) Wendy has made a point to turn off her porch light every Halloween

I would bet the latter is the most likely explanation for the lack of kiddies. Wendy is normally the most over-the-top celebratory person I know so this really surprised me. I casually mentioned that we should maybe get a few pumpkins and some treats in case there any kids stop by this year. Well, Wendy's festive switch was suddenly cranked to the max today and she came home with every decoration under the sun. I don't even think the porch light will be necessary with the flashing pumpkin lights, the lanterns leading down the driveway and the explosion of spooky stuff outside the front door. She even bought 50 packages of m&m's for the treats (which we have already busted into, just to be sure they are good enough for the kids :-)
I now feel a little silly as my only contributions are two semi-rotting pumpkins and another one that is vomiting. 

We did a dry run tonight to test all the lights and the cobweb positions so that we are prepared when the little ones arrive (hopefully) tomorrow evening. It obviously worked as a black cat showed up just as we finished!

1 comment:

JC said...

Curious - did you get many trick-or-treaters?